First make sure there's at least 16GB ram, since the cockpit is running on top of HANA express

SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL # ./

SAP HANA Lifecycle Management

The default target directory '/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?(y/n)[n]y
Extracting archive /tmp/HANA_INSTALL/SAPHANACOCKPIT03P_9-70002299.SAR...

To install or update the SAP HANA components:
  - For SPS08 or older SAP HANA systems - start hdblcm or hdblcmgui from an SAP HANA installation medium using option --component_root '/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted'
  - For SPS09 or newer systems - start hdblcm or hdblcmgui from <installation_path>/<SID>/hdblcm using option --component_root '/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted' or use the hdblcm Web user interface.

Log file: /tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/extract1508348048.log
SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL # ls
SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL # ls -ltr
total 2787200
-rwxrwxrwx 1 4294967294 4294967294    3748352 Jun  8  2011 SAPCAR.EXE
-rwxrwxrwx 1 4294967294 4294967294        796 Aug 28 08:33 manifest
-rwxrwxrwx 1 4294967294 4294967294        578 Aug 28 08:33
-rwxrwxrwx 1 4294967294 4294967294        593 Aug 28 08:33
-rwxrwxrwx 1 4294967294 4294967294 2845856665 Oct 17 19:06 SAPHANACOCKPIT03P_9-70002299.SAR
-rwxrwxrwx 1 4294967294 4294967294          0 Oct 17 20:44 SIGNATURE.SMF
-rwxrwxrwx 1 shark      root            10909 Oct 18 17:29
-rwxr-xr-x 1 shark      root          4456000 Oct 18 17:30 SAPCAR
drwxr-xr-x 1 shark      root              256 Oct 18 17:34 extracted
SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL # cd extracted
SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted # ls
COCKPIT2_APP  HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64  SAP_UI5_1  XSAC_HRTT_20  XSA_RT_20_LINUX_X86_64  extract1508348048.log  manifest
SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted # ./

SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - SAP HANA Cockpit

Choose an action

  Index | Action            | Description
  1     | install           | Install new system
  2     | Exit (do nothing) |

Enter selected action index [2]: 1

File '/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/instruntime/../../../SIGNATURE.SMF' does not belong to a SAP HANA Database component. You can ignore this error and continue with the execution by passing the ignore option 'check_signature_file' to hdblcm, started as root. See SAP note 2078425, section 'How to prepare SAP HANA packages for installation or update' for instructions how to prepare packages for update or implications of ignoring this error.

SAP HANA Database version '' will be installed.

Select additional components for installation:

  Index | Components | Description
  1     | all        | All components
  2     | server     | No additional components
  3     | xs         | Install SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime version

Enter comma-separated list of the selected indices [2]: ^C
Log file written to '/var/tmp/hdb_hdblcm_install_2017-10-18_17.52.01_9383/hdblcm.log' on host 'SLES222'.

SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted #
SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted #
SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted # ls
COCKPIT2_APP  HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64  SAP_UI5_1  XSAC_HRTT_20  XSA_RT_20_LINUX_X86_64  extract1508348048.log  manifest
SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted # find . -name SIGNATURE.SMF
SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted # cd COCK*
SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/COCKPIT2_APP # ls
SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/COCKPIT2_APP # cd ..
SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted # ./

SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - SAP HANA Cockpit

Choose an action

  Index | Action            | Description
  1     | install           | Install new system
  2     | Exit (do nothing) |

Enter selected action index [2]: 1

Enter Installation Path [/hana/shared]: /data/hana/shared
Enter Local Host Name [sles222]:
Enter SAP HANA System ID [H4C]:
The defined user 'h4cadm' already exists on the system. Neither the password, nor any other attribute of the user will be changed.
Verify that the user is correct.
Enter Instance Number [96]:
Enter Master Password:
Confirm Master Password:
Enter System Administrator (h4cadm) Password:

Summary before execution:

SAP HANA Cockpit System Installation
   Installation Parameters
      Remote Execution: ssh
      Use single master password for all users, created during installation: Yes
      Database Isolation: low
      Create initial tenant database: No
      Installation Path: /data/hana/shared
      Local Host Name: sles222
      SAP HANA System ID: H4C
      Instance Number: 96
      Local Host Worker Group: default
      System Usage: custom
      Location of Data Volumes: /data/hana/shared/data/H4C
      Location of Log Volumes: /data/hana/shared/log/H4C
      Directory containing custom configurations: /tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/configurations/custom
      Certificate Host Names: sles222 -> sles222
      System Administrator Home Directory: /usr/sap/H4C/home
      System Administrator Login Shell: /bin/bash
      System Administrator User ID: 1000
      ID of User Group (sapsys): 79
      Restart system after machine reboot?: Yes
      Inter Service Communication Mode: standard
      XS Advanced App Working Path: /data/hana/shared/H4C/xs/app_working
      Organization Name For Space "SAP": HANACockpit
      XS Advanced Admin User: COCKPIT_ADMIN
      Customer Space Name: cockpit
      Routing Mode: ports
      XS Advanced Domain Name (see SAP Note 2245631): sles222
      Run Applications in SAP Space with Separate OS User (y/n): No
      Run Applications in Customer Space with Separate OS User (y/n): No
      XS Advanced Components: all
      Do not start the selected XS Advanced components after installation: none
   Software Components
      SAP HANA Database
         Install version
         Location: /tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/server
      SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime
         Install version
         Location: /tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/XSA_RT_20_LINUX_X86_64/packages
   XS Advanced Components
      SAP HANA Cockpit
         Install version 2.003.9
         Location: /tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/COCKPIT2_APP/
      SAP HANA tools for accessing catalog content, data preview, SQL console, etc.
         Install version 2.002.11
         Location: /tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/XSAC_HRTT_20/
      SAPUI5 FESV3 XSA 1 - SAPUI5 SDK 1.44
         Install version 1.044.19
         Location: /tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/SAP_UI5_1/
   Automatically Assigned Roles
      Host: sles222 Role: XS Advanced Runtime Worker (xs_worker)

Note: The defined user 'h4cadm' already exists on the system. Neither the password, nor any other attribute of the user will be changed.
Verify that the user is correct.

Do you want to continue? (y/n): y

Installing components...
Installing SAP HANA Database...
  Preparing package 'Saphostagent Setup'...
  Preparing package 'Python Support'...
  Preparing package 'Python Runtime'...
  Preparing package 'Product Manifest'...
  Preparing package 'Binaries'...
  Preparing package 'Offline Cockpit'...
  Preparing package 'Krb5 Runtime'...
  Preparing package 'Installer'...
  Preparing package 'Ini Files'...
  Preparing package 'Documentation'...
  Creating System...
  Extracting software...
  Installing package 'Saphostagent Setup'...
  Installing package 'Python Support'...
  Installing package 'Python Runtime'...
  Installing package 'Product Manifest'...
  Installing package 'Binaries'...
  Installing package 'Offline Cockpit'...
  Installing package 'Krb5 Runtime'...
  Installing package 'Installer'...
  Installing package 'Ini Files'...
  Installing package 'Documentation'...
  Creating instance...
  Installing SAP Host Agent version 7.21.26...
  Starting SAP HANA Database system...
  Starting 4 processes on host 'sles222' (worker):
      Starting on 'SLES222': hdbcompileserver, hdbdaemon, hdbnameserver, hdbpreprocessor
      Starting on 'SLES222': hdbcompileserver, hdbdaemon, hdbpreprocessor
    All server processes started on host 'sles222' (worker).
Installing Cockpit stack...
Installing Resident hdblcm...
Installing SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime...
  Preparing package 'sapjvm 8'...
  Preparing package 'Runtime'...
  Preparing package 'Platform Router'...
  Preparing package 'Node4'...
  Preparing package 'Installer'...
  Preparing package 'Installation Scripts'...
  Preparing package 'Initial Content'...
  Installing SAP HANA XS RUNTIME to /data/hana/shared/H4C/xs...
  Installing package 'sapjvm 8'...
  Installing package 'Runtime'...
  Installing package 'Platform Router'...
  Installing package 'Node4'...
  Installing package 'Installer'...
  Installing package 'Installation Scripts'...
  Installing package 'Initial Content'...
  Starting system...
  Configuring software...
Assigning Additional Roles to the Local Host...
  Adding role 'xs_worker' on local host 'sles222'...
  Starting 3 processes on host 'sles222':
      Starting on 'sles222': hdbxscontroller, hdbxsexecagent, hdbxsuaaserver
      Starting on 'sles222': hdbxscontroller, hdbxsuaaserver
      Starting on 'sles222': hdbxscontroller
    All server processes started on host 'sles222'.
  Loading initial content of XS Advanced Runtime
    [07] Creating organization 'HANACockpit'
    [07] Creating space 'cockpit'
    [07] Creating space 'SAP'
    [09] Uploading Java buildpack
    [21] Creating Hana-Service-Broker
    [18] Uploading the SAP JVM 8 runtime
    [10] Uploading Node.js buildpack
    [17] Uploading the SAP JVM 8 JRE runtime
    [16] Uploading the Node.js 6 runtime
    [13] Uploading the HANA JDBC driver runtime v2
    [20] Uploading the TomEE 1.7 runtime
    [22] Creating UAA security Hana-Service-Broker
    [12] Uploading the HANA JDBC driver runtime v1
    [19] Uploading the Tomcat 8 runtime
    [15] Uploading the Node.js 4 runtime
    [24] Creating Instance-Manager-Broker
    [27] Creating application auditlog-db
    [27] Creating service auditlog-db-container
    [27] Uploading files for application auditlog-db
    [28] Creating application auditlog-server
    [28] Creating service auditlog-sbss
    [28] Uploading files for application auditlog-server
    [29] Creating application auditlog-broker
    [29] Uploading files for application auditlog-broker
    [29] Creating audit-log Hana-Service-Broker
    [30] Creating application deploy-service
    [30] Creating  service deploy-service-auditlog
    [30] Creating  service deploy-service-fss
    [30] Creating service deploy-service-ss
    [30] Creating service deploy-service-database
    [30] Creating service deploy-service-uaa
    [30] Uploading files for application deploy-service
    [30] Starting application deploy-service
    [31] Creating service lcm-view-grantor
    [31] Creating service lm-service-credentials
    [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Uploading 1 files:
    [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Starting process xs2-deploy...
    [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Starting monitoring...
    [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Creating or updating services...
    [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Creating service "product-installer-database"...
    [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Creating service "component-registry-database"...
    [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Creating service "alm-uaa"...
    [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Creating service "product-installer-fss"...
    [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Creating application "component-registry-db"...
    [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Uploading application "component-registry-db"...
    [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Creating application "product-installer"...
    [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Uploading application "product-installer"...
    [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Starting application "product-installer"...
    [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Creating subscriptions...
    [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Creating service brokers...
    [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Uploading 1 files:
    [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Starting process xs2-deploy...
    [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Starting monitoring...
    [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Creating or updating services...
    [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Creating service "auditlog-uaa"...
    [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Creating service "auditlog-instance"...
    [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Creating application "auditlog-odata"...
    [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Uploading application "auditlog-odata"...
    [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Starting application "auditlog-odata"...
    [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Creating application "auditlog-ui"...
    [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Uploading application "auditlog-ui"...
    [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Starting application "auditlog-ui"...
    [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Creating subscriptions...
    [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE]  Creating service brokers...
    [35] XS Controller API available at 'https://sles222:39630'. Creating a connection to this URL using the XS Commandline Client should get you started.
Updating SAP HANA Cockpit Instance Integration on Local Host...
  Regenerating SSL certificates...
  Deploying SAP Host Agent configurations...
Installing XS Advanced Components...
  Installing SAP HANA tools for accessing catalog content, data preview, SQL console, etc....
    Adding domains...
    Creating or updating services...
    Creating service "hrtt-datasource"...
    Creating service "cockpit-datasource"...
    Creating service "hrtt-uaa"...
    Creating service "hrtt-auditlog"...
    Preparing applications deployment...
    Creating application "hrtt-service"...
    Uploading application "hrtt-service"...
    Downloading Node.js...
    Unpacking Node.js archive...
    Copying SSL CA certificates...
    Starting application "hrtt-service"...
    Creating application "sqlanlz-svc"...
    Uploading application "sqlanlz-svc"...
    Downloading Node.js...
    Unpacking Node.js archive...
    Copying SSL CA certificates...
    Starting application "sqlanlz-svc"...
    Creating application "sqlanlz-ui"...
    Uploading application "sqlanlz-ui"...
    Downloading Node.js...
    Unpacking Node.js archive...
    Copying SSL CA certificates...
    Starting application "sqlanlz-ui"...
    Creating application "hrtt-core"...
    Uploading application "hrtt-core"...
    Downloading Node.js...
    Unpacking Node.js archive...
    Copying SSL CA certificates...
    Starting application "hrtt-core"...
    Creating subscriptions...
    Registering service URLs...
    Registering service URL "https://sles222:51009" named "hrtt-service"...
    Registering service URL "https://sles222:51012" named "hrtt-core"...
    Unregistering discontinued service URLs...
    Creating service brokers...
    Updating subscribers...
    Installation of archive file '[/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/XSAC_HRTT_20/]' finished successfully.
  Installing SAPUI5 FESV3 XSA 1 - SAPUI5 SDK 1.44...
    Adding domains...
    Creating or updating services...
    Preparing applications deployment...
    Creating application "sapui5_fesv3"...
    Uploading application "sapui5_fesv3"...
    Downloading Node.js...
    Unpacking Node.js archive...
    Copying SSL CA certificates...
    Starting application "sapui5_fesv3"...
    Creating subscriptions...
    Registering service URLs...
    Unregistering discontinued service URLs...
    Creating service brokers...
    Updating subscribers...
    Installation of archive file '[/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/SAP_UI5_1/]' finished successfully.
  Installing SAP HANA Cockpit...
    Adding domains...
    Creating or updating services...
    Creating service "cockpit-uaa"...
    Preparing applications deployment...
    Creating application "cockpit-persistence-svc"...
    Uploading application "cockpit-persistence-svc"...
    Starting application "cockpit-persistence-svc"...
    Creating application "cockpit-hdb-svc"...
    Uploading application "cockpit-hdb-svc"...
    Starting application "cockpit-hdb-svc"...
    Creating application "cockpit-xsa-svc"...
    Uploading application "cockpit-xsa-svc"...
    Starting application "cockpit-xsa-svc"...
    Creating application "cockpit-collection-svc"...
    Uploading application "cockpit-collection-svc"...
    Starting application "cockpit-collection-svc"...
    Creating application "cockpit-hdbui-svc"...
    Uploading application "cockpit-hdbui-svc"...
    Downloading Node.js...
    Unpacking Node.js archive...
    Copying SSL CA certificates...
    Starting application "cockpit-hdbui-svc"...
    Creating application "cockpit-telemetry-svc"...
    Uploading application "cockpit-telemetry-svc"...
    Starting application "cockpit-telemetry-svc"...
    Creating application "cockpit-landscape-svc"...
    Uploading application "cockpit-landscape-svc"...
    Downloading Node.js...
    Unpacking Node.js archive...
    Copying SSL CA certificates...
    Starting application "cockpit-landscape-svc"...
    Creating application "cockpit-web-app"...
    Uploading application "cockpit-web-app"...
    Downloading Node.js...
    Unpacking Node.js archive...
    Copying SSL CA certificates...
    Starting application "cockpit-web-app"...
    Creating application "cockpit-adminui-svc"...
    Uploading application "cockpit-adminui-svc"...
    Downloading Node.js...
    Unpacking Node.js archive...
    Copying SSL CA certificates...
    Starting application "cockpit-adminui-svc"...
    Creating application "cockpit-admin-web-app"...
    Uploading application "cockpit-admin-web-app"...
    Downloading Node.js...
    Unpacking Node.js archive...
    Copying SSL CA certificates...
    Starting application "cockpit-admin-web-app"...
    Creating subscriptions...
    Registering service URLs...
    Unregistering discontinued service URLs...
    Creating service brokers...
    Updating subscribers...
    Updating application "hrtt-service" from MTA "" for subscription "cockpit-persistence-svc"
    Updating application "hrtt-service" from MTA "" for subscription "cockpit-hdb-svc"
    Updating application "sqlanlz-svc" from MTA "" for subscription "cockpit-hdbui-svc"
    Stopping application "hrtt-service"...
    Starting application "hrtt-service"...
    Stopping application "sqlanlz-svc"...
    Starting application "sqlanlz-svc"...
    Installation of archive file '[/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/COCKPIT2_APP/]' finished successfully.
Creating Component List...
SAP HANA Cockpit System installed
You can send feedback to SAP with this form: https://sles222:1129/lmsl/HDBLCM/H4C/feedback/feedback.html
Log file written to '/var/tmp/hdb_H4C_hdblcm_install_2017-10-18_17.52.58/hdblcm.log' on host 'SLES222'.
SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted #
First make sure there's at least 16GB ram, since the cockpit is running on top of HANA express ```` SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL # ./ SAP HANA Lifecycle Management ***************************** The default target directory '/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?(y/n)[n]y Extracting archive /tmp/HANA_INSTALL/SAPHANACOCKPIT03P_9-70002299.SAR... To install or update the SAP HANA components: - For SPS08 or older SAP HANA systems - start hdblcm or hdblcmgui from an SAP HANA installation medium using option --component_root '/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted' - For SPS09 or newer systems - start hdblcm or hdblcmgui from <installation_path>/<SID>/hdblcm using option --component_root '/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted' or use the hdblcm Web user interface. Done Log file: /tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/extract1508348048.log SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL # ls COCKPIT2_APP HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64 SAPCAR SAPCAR.EXE SAPHANACOCKPIT03P_9-70002299.SAR SAP_UI5_1 SIGNATURE.SMF XSAC_HRTT_20 XSA_RT_20_LINUX_X86_64 extracted manifest SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL # rm -rf COCKPIT2_APP HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64 SAP_UI5_1 XSAC_HRTT_20 XSA_RT_20_LINUX_X86_64 SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL # ls -ltr total 2787200 -rwxrwxrwx 1 4294967294 4294967294 3748352 Jun 8 2011 SAPCAR.EXE -rwxrwxrwx 1 4294967294 4294967294 796 Aug 28 08:33 manifest -rwxrwxrwx 1 4294967294 4294967294 578 Aug 28 08:33 -rwxrwxrwx 1 4294967294 4294967294 593 Aug 28 08:33 -rwxrwxrwx 1 4294967294 4294967294 2845856665 Oct 17 19:06 SAPHANACOCKPIT03P_9-70002299.SAR -rwxrwxrwx 1 4294967294 4294967294 0 Oct 17 20:44 SIGNATURE.SMF -rwxrwxrwx 1 shark root 10909 Oct 18 17:29 -rwxr-xr-x 1 shark root 4456000 Oct 18 17:30 SAPCAR drwxr-xr-x 1 shark root 256 Oct 18 17:34 extracted SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL # cd extracted SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted # ls COCKPIT2_APP HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64 SAP_UI5_1 XSAC_HRTT_20 XSA_RT_20_LINUX_X86_64 extract1508348048.log manifest SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted # ./ SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - SAP HANA Cockpit ********************************************************** Choose an action Index | Action | Description ---------------------------------------------- 1 | install | Install new system 2 | Exit (do nothing) | Enter selected action index [2]: 1 File '/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/instruntime/../../../SIGNATURE.SMF' does not belong to a SAP HANA Database component. You can ignore this error and continue with the execution by passing the ignore option 'check_signature_file' to hdblcm, started as root. See SAP note 2078425, section 'How to prepare SAP HANA packages for installation or update' for instructions how to prepare packages for update or implications of ignoring this error. SAP HANA Database version '' will be installed. Select additional components for installation: Index | Components | Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | all | All components 2 | server | No additional components 3 | xs | Install SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime version Enter comma-separated list of the selected indices [2]: ^C Log file written to '/var/tmp/hdb_hdblcm_install_2017-10-18_17.52.01_9383/hdblcm.log' on host 'SLES222'. SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted # SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted # SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted # ls COCKPIT2_APP HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64 SAP_UI5_1 XSAC_HRTT_20 XSA_RT_20_LINUX_X86_64 extract1508348048.log manifest SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted # find . -name SIGNATURE.SMF ./COCKPIT2_APP/SIGNATURE.SMF SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted # cd COCK* SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/COCKPIT2_APP # ls SIGNATURE.SMF SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/COCKPIT2_APP # cp SIGNATURE.SMF ../ SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/COCKPIT2_APP # cd .. SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted # ./ SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - SAP HANA Cockpit ********************************************************** Choose an action Index | Action | Description ---------------------------------------------- 1 | install | Install new system 2 | Exit (do nothing) | Enter selected action index [2]: 1 Enter Installation Path [/hana/shared]: /data/hana/shared Enter Local Host Name [sles222]: Enter SAP HANA System ID [H4C]: The defined user 'h4cadm' already exists on the system. Neither the password, nor any other attribute of the user will be changed. Verify that the user is correct. Enter Instance Number [96]: Enter Master Password: Confirm Master Password: Enter System Administrator (h4cadm) Password: Summary before execution: ========================= SAP HANA Cockpit System Installation Installation Parameters Remote Execution: ssh Use single master password for all users, created during installation: Yes Database Isolation: low Create initial tenant database: No Installation Path: /data/hana/shared Local Host Name: sles222 SAP HANA System ID: H4C Instance Number: 96 Local Host Worker Group: default System Usage: custom Location of Data Volumes: /data/hana/shared/data/H4C Location of Log Volumes: /data/hana/shared/log/H4C Directory containing custom configurations: /tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/configurations/custom Certificate Host Names: sles222 -> sles222 System Administrator Home Directory: /usr/sap/H4C/home System Administrator Login Shell: /bin/bash System Administrator User ID: 1000 ID of User Group (sapsys): 79 Restart system after machine reboot?: Yes Inter Service Communication Mode: standard XS Advanced App Working Path: /data/hana/shared/H4C/xs/app_working Organization Name For Space "SAP": HANACockpit XS Advanced Admin User: COCKPIT_ADMIN Customer Space Name: cockpit Routing Mode: ports XS Advanced Domain Name (see SAP Note 2245631): sles222 Run Applications in SAP Space with Separate OS User (y/n): No Run Applications in Customer Space with Separate OS User (y/n): No XS Advanced Components: all Do not start the selected XS Advanced components after installation: none Software Components SAP HANA Database Install version Location: /tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/server SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime Install version Location: /tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/XSA_RT_20_LINUX_X86_64/packages XS Advanced Components SAP HANA Cockpit Install version 2.003.9 Location: /tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/COCKPIT2_APP/ SAP HANA tools for accessing catalog content, data preview, SQL console, etc. Install version 2.002.11 Location: /tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/XSAC_HRTT_20/ SAPUI5 FESV3 XSA 1 - SAPUI5 SDK 1.44 Install version 1.044.19 Location: /tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/SAP_UI5_1/ Automatically Assigned Roles Host: sles222 Role: XS Advanced Runtime Worker (xs_worker) Note: The defined user 'h4cadm' already exists on the system. Neither the password, nor any other attribute of the user will be changed. Verify that the user is correct. Do you want to continue? (y/n): y Installing components... Installing SAP HANA Database... Preparing package 'Saphostagent Setup'... Preparing package 'Python Support'... Preparing package 'Python Runtime'... Preparing package 'Product Manifest'... Preparing package 'Binaries'... Preparing package 'Offline Cockpit'... Preparing package 'Krb5 Runtime'... Preparing package 'Installer'... Preparing package 'Ini Files'... Preparing package 'Documentation'... Creating System... Extracting software... Installing package 'Saphostagent Setup'... Installing package 'Python Support'... Installing package 'Python Runtime'... Installing package 'Product Manifest'... Installing package 'Binaries'... Installing package 'Offline Cockpit'... Installing package 'Krb5 Runtime'... Installing package 'Installer'... Installing package 'Ini Files'... Installing package 'Documentation'... Creating instance... Installing SAP Host Agent version 7.21.26... Starting SAP HANA Database system... Starting 4 processes on host 'sles222' (worker): Starting on 'SLES222': hdbcompileserver, hdbdaemon, hdbnameserver, hdbpreprocessor Starting on 'SLES222': hdbcompileserver, hdbdaemon, hdbpreprocessor All server processes started on host 'sles222' (worker). Installing Cockpit stack... Installing Resident hdblcm... Installing SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime... Preparing package 'sapjvm 8'... Preparing package 'Runtime'... Preparing package 'Platform Router'... Preparing package 'Node4'... Preparing package 'Installer'... Preparing package 'Installation Scripts'... Preparing package 'Initial Content'... Installing SAP HANA XS RUNTIME to /data/hana/shared/H4C/xs... Installing package 'sapjvm 8'... Installing package 'Runtime'... Installing package 'Platform Router'... Installing package 'Node4'... Installing package 'Installer'... Installing package 'Installation Scripts'... Installing package 'Initial Content'... Starting system... Configuring software... Assigning Additional Roles to the Local Host... Adding role 'xs_worker' on local host 'sles222'... Starting 3 processes on host 'sles222': Starting on 'sles222': hdbxscontroller, hdbxsexecagent, hdbxsuaaserver Starting on 'sles222': hdbxscontroller, hdbxsuaaserver Starting on 'sles222': hdbxscontroller All server processes started on host 'sles222'. Loading initial content of XS Advanced Runtime [07] Creating organization 'HANACockpit' [07] Creating space 'cockpit' [07] Creating space 'SAP' [09] Uploading Java buildpack [21] Creating Hana-Service-Broker [18] Uploading the SAP JVM 8 runtime [10] Uploading Node.js buildpack [17] Uploading the SAP JVM 8 JRE runtime [16] Uploading the Node.js 6 runtime [13] Uploading the HANA JDBC driver runtime v2 [20] Uploading the TomEE 1.7 runtime [22] Creating UAA security Hana-Service-Broker [12] Uploading the HANA JDBC driver runtime v1 [19] Uploading the Tomcat 8 runtime [15] Uploading the Node.js 4 runtime [24] Creating Instance-Manager-Broker [27] Creating application auditlog-db [27] Creating service auditlog-db-container [27] Uploading files for application auditlog-db [28] Creating application auditlog-server [28] Creating service auditlog-sbss [28] Uploading files for application auditlog-server [29] Creating application auditlog-broker [29] Uploading files for application auditlog-broker [29] Creating audit-log Hana-Service-Broker [30] Creating application deploy-service [30] Creating service deploy-service-auditlog [30] Creating service deploy-service-fss [30] Creating service deploy-service-ss [30] Creating service deploy-service-database [30] Creating service deploy-service-uaa [30] Uploading files for application deploy-service [30] Starting application deploy-service [31] Creating service lcm-view-grantor [31] Creating service lm-service-credentials [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Uploading 1 files: [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Starting process xs2-deploy... [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Starting monitoring... [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Creating or updating services... [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Creating service "product-installer-database"... [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Creating service "component-registry-database"... [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Creating service "alm-uaa"... [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Creating service "product-installer-fss"... [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Creating application "component-registry-db"... [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Uploading application "component-registry-db"... [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Creating application "product-installer"... [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Uploading application "product-installer"... [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Starting application "product-installer"... [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Creating subscriptions... [31] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Creating service brokers... [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Uploading 1 files: [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Starting process xs2-deploy... [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Starting monitoring... [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Creating or updating services... [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Creating service "auditlog-uaa"... [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Creating service "auditlog-instance"... [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Creating application "auditlog-odata"... [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Uploading application "auditlog-odata"... [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Starting application "auditlog-odata"... [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Creating application "auditlog-ui"... [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Uploading application "auditlog-ui"... [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Starting application "auditlog-ui"... [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Creating subscriptions... [32] [DEPLOY_SERVICE] Creating service brokers... [35] XS Controller API available at 'https://sles222:39630'. Creating a connection to this URL using the XS Commandline Client should get you started. Updating SAP HANA Cockpit Instance Integration on Local Host... Regenerating SSL certificates... Deploying SAP Host Agent configurations... Installing XS Advanced Components... Installing SAP HANA tools for accessing catalog content, data preview, SQL console, etc.... Adding domains... Creating or updating services... Creating service "hrtt-datasource"... Creating service "cockpit-datasource"... Creating service "hrtt-uaa"... Creating service "hrtt-auditlog"... Preparing applications deployment... Creating application "hrtt-service"... Uploading application "hrtt-service"... Downloading Node.js... Unpacking Node.js archive... Copying SSL CA certificates... Starting application "hrtt-service"... Creating application "sqlanlz-svc"... Uploading application "sqlanlz-svc"... Downloading Node.js... Unpacking Node.js archive... Copying SSL CA certificates... Starting application "sqlanlz-svc"... Creating application "sqlanlz-ui"... Uploading application "sqlanlz-ui"... Downloading Node.js... Unpacking Node.js archive... Copying SSL CA certificates... Starting application "sqlanlz-ui"... Creating application "hrtt-core"... Uploading application "hrtt-core"... Downloading Node.js... Unpacking Node.js archive... Copying SSL CA certificates... Starting application "hrtt-core"... Creating subscriptions... Registering service URLs... Registering service URL "https://sles222:51009" named "hrtt-service"... Registering service URL "https://sles222:51012" named "hrtt-core"... Unregistering discontinued service URLs... Creating service brokers... Updating subscribers... Installation of archive file '[/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/XSAC_HRTT_20/]' finished successfully. Installing SAPUI5 FESV3 XSA 1 - SAPUI5 SDK 1.44... Adding domains... Creating or updating services... Preparing applications deployment... Creating application "sapui5_fesv3"... Uploading application "sapui5_fesv3"... Downloading Node.js... Unpacking Node.js archive... Copying SSL CA certificates... Starting application "sapui5_fesv3"... Creating subscriptions... Registering service URLs... Unregistering discontinued service URLs... Creating service brokers... Updating subscribers... Installation of archive file '[/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/SAP_UI5_1/]' finished successfully. Installing SAP HANA Cockpit... Adding domains... Creating or updating services... Creating service "cockpit-uaa"... Preparing applications deployment... Creating application "cockpit-persistence-svc"... Uploading application "cockpit-persistence-svc"... Starting application "cockpit-persistence-svc"... Creating application "cockpit-hdb-svc"... Uploading application "cockpit-hdb-svc"... Starting application "cockpit-hdb-svc"... Creating application "cockpit-xsa-svc"... Uploading application "cockpit-xsa-svc"... Starting application "cockpit-xsa-svc"... Creating application "cockpit-collection-svc"... Uploading application "cockpit-collection-svc"... Starting application "cockpit-collection-svc"... Creating application "cockpit-hdbui-svc"... Uploading application "cockpit-hdbui-svc"... Downloading Node.js... Unpacking Node.js archive... Copying SSL CA certificates... Starting application "cockpit-hdbui-svc"... Creating application "cockpit-telemetry-svc"... Uploading application "cockpit-telemetry-svc"... Starting application "cockpit-telemetry-svc"... Creating application "cockpit-landscape-svc"... Uploading application "cockpit-landscape-svc"... Downloading Node.js... Unpacking Node.js archive... Copying SSL CA certificates... Starting application "cockpit-landscape-svc"... Creating application "cockpit-web-app"... Uploading application "cockpit-web-app"... Downloading Node.js... Unpacking Node.js archive... Copying SSL CA certificates... Starting application "cockpit-web-app"... Creating application "cockpit-adminui-svc"... Uploading application "cockpit-adminui-svc"... Downloading Node.js... Unpacking Node.js archive... Copying SSL CA certificates... Starting application "cockpit-adminui-svc"... Creating application "cockpit-admin-web-app"... Uploading application "cockpit-admin-web-app"... Downloading Node.js... Unpacking Node.js archive... Copying SSL CA certificates... Starting application "cockpit-admin-web-app"... Creating subscriptions... Registering service URLs... Unregistering discontinued service URLs... Creating service brokers... Updating subscribers... Updating application "hrtt-service" from MTA "" for subscription "cockpit-persistence-svc" Updating application "hrtt-service" from MTA "" for subscription "cockpit-hdb-svc" Updating application "sqlanlz-svc" from MTA "" for subscription "cockpit-hdbui-svc" Stopping application "hrtt-service"... Starting application "hrtt-service"... Stopping application "sqlanlz-svc"... Starting application "sqlanlz-svc"... Installation of archive file '[/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted/COCKPIT2_APP/]' finished successfully. Creating Component List... SAP HANA Cockpit System installed You can send feedback to SAP with this form: https://sles222:1129/lmsl/HDBLCM/H4C/feedback/feedback.html Log file written to '/var/tmp/hdb_H4C_hdblcm_install_2017-10-18_17.52.58/hdblcm.log' on host 'SLES222'. SLES222:/tmp/HANA_INSTALL/extracted # ````

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